Impressed with Youth Parliament 2012

Dear Editor,
I was happy that a handy group of people turned up at the Princess International Hotel, Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD) to witness the opening of this year’s National Youth Parliament (NYP) debates. During the intense sessions, the government and the opposition sides of the House debated three motions, including one calling for legislation to stem the misuse and mischief, associated with the use of social media given the sensitive socio-political nature of society.
This choice of topic was most timely. It is a hot issue indeed. I am reserving my comments for later. First, I find it quite commendable that Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira was on hand to open the proceedings. What she said was most revealing. She actually enforced the fact that the National Youth Parliament of Guyana is truly an “organised, institutionalised programme that is driven by the young people of the country, with the aim of developing themselves and contributing to the future of the nation”. This, according to the minister, has some grave implications.
The minister explained that National Youth Parliament is really “… an opportunity (for allowing) young people to become exposed to issues which are deemed critical in both local and international societies”. “It was noted that the NYP allows those involved to ‘have a voice’ where their ideas are concerned and to be able to share them through civil discussions.”
I took home a golden nugget from this. It means that democracy has responsibilities and it is not a case where ‘I can do and say whatever I want’. The issue of the social media was most fabulously addressed in the debates. I went back to ‘my golden nugget’.
On one hand, I am free and so long as I am functioning with the legal ambit, I am okay. No way! I have to be responsible, sensitive and mature. The big word here is to be expedient and prudent. I have to commend the participants for ‘going at it’ with such gusto.
A closing word here is for the public to be aware of the importance and availability of youth programmes, such as the President’s Youth Award Republic of Guyana (PYARG). This kind of thing is really a big help when it comes to building the country via the positive developments of young people. The youths were encouraged to meet with members of the diplomatic corps and international agencies, to seek funding, to help cover their expenses, since ‘money is not a given’ where government is concerned. I am all for Youth Parliament.
Yours truly,
Joel Kirton

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